Responsible according to §§ 6, 8 TDG and § 6 MDStV is
DPL Die Players Liga
Hans-Thoma-Strasse 5
68163 Mannheim
Management Board
- Phil Morley (President)
- Achim Jourdan (Vice President)
- Marco Schober (Treasurer)
Register of associations: Register court Mannheim VR 700191
Phone: +49 621 33 49 29
Fax: +49 621 37 87 21
Responsible in the sense of § 10 paragraph 3 media services state contract:
DPL Die Players Liga – Phil Morley
Bank account:
DPL Die Players Liga e.V.
IBAN: EN 34 6708 0050 0718 019600
for conception & realization of this site:
DPL Die Players Liga
Hans-Thoma-Strasse 5
68163 Mannheim
The DPL logo and all associated graphics are copyright & property of DSD GMBH Mannheim.
Despite careful control of the contents, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links.
The operators of the linked sites are solely responsible for the content of their sites.