Affiliated Player Update: 3 Games Max

In oder to prevent misuse of the aforementioned Affiliated Player rules, the following update has been inserted into our rule book “§2.3 Melderegularien:”

Der Föderlizenz Spieler darf maximal 3 Spiele in der höheren Division spielen.  Ab der 4. Spiel in der höheren Division wird der Spieler als regulären Spieler in der Mannschaft der höheren Division gesetzt und somit aus der Mannschaft in der unteren Division gestrichen.

Essentially this means that once you play your 4th game as an affiliated player in the higher division club, you are considered a regular player in that team. You will no longer be allowed to continue playing in the lower division club.

The updated rule book is available as always via the Downloads link in our Website. Hockey Rule Book 2023-2024 (in German only)

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